Fresh Thoughts

Did you have a nice Christmas?

I totally did! I'm so looking forward to 2012, are you?

This week I want to get everything done. Outstanding swaps, outstanding emails, cleaning, organizing, planning. I want it all DONE.

I want to start 2012 fresh. I want to start it focused and positive and excited. I have a few little goals in mind, I'll share them once I put them on paper. I'm doing a fun knit-a-long starting the first week in January with some cute friends, we are knitting Potamous socks! I've planned a new quilt for our bed. The Pumpkin's will be starting a brand new club (I'll blog about it soon! or sign up for our newsletter and be the first to know!)

Some neat things:

SewMamaSew interviewed me for Reflections + Predictions which was rad! (full confession, I got their email and was like WHATT! THEY KNOW WHO I AM!?)

I got a skein of sock yarn from a shop called CakeWalk Yarns, it is SO awesome! My skein is called Peppermint Bark. I'm kind of into pink this past week. With lots of neutrals of course ;)

One of my Christmas gifts was this mug! I hope it arrives soon! I have the hugest crush on it! (!?)

I love this knitting needle holder Megan made...I think once my knitting needle set arrives I'm going to sew it a fancy case!

I played around today with the aurifil 12 wt with some machine is I can't wait to share with you the little mini I was playing around on!

All of the yummy foods of Christmas have done me in. Tonight I'm making a veggie loaded chicken ginger soup. So excited! I feel like I'm going to have to have light meals for a month to detox all the sugar I've been consuming. But it is so hard to say no to marshmallows!!!!

Happy Holidays friends!!!