Halloween Spooky Sampler: Week Two





Ashleigh told me last night that this week of Halloween Spooky Sampler is her favorite, I think next week might be mine. But I *love* the owls and witch in this one!

I'm so glad everyone didn't mind that I shared this project last week, we are in the process of wrapping up our winter samplers this week. Winter! Crazy right? It's still over 90 degrees outside! We are getting together tomorrow and we have three pieces of gorgeous hand dyed GLITTER fabric to assign to each chart. Yes, THREE! And when I say glitter, I mean omg it's WOVEN into the linen. And it's so sparkly! I'm reallllllllyyyyy excited.

So this week we have:

  • L is for Lollipop!
  • O is for Owl!
  • W is for Witch!

I had an hour to cross stitch this weekend and I made a tiny bit of progress on my Autumn Sampler, I want like, a full weekend just to sit and cross stitch! Once I get into the rhythm it's so relaxing and fun! It didn't hurt that I had a homemade Pumpkin Spice latte either. I had wishful thinking that I'd spend last week sewing and stitching but in reality I ran out of time! Isn't that how it always is?

