Holiday Socks: Part Three



Did you have a nice holiday?

Mine was quiet, which was exactly what I wanted for Christmas.

I did something kind of radical this weekend.

I frogged every.single.project. I had on my needles. Yup.

I decided I wanted to start 2014 off fresh, without things hanging over my head. It was kind of painful but also felt pretty good!

I frogged my other Christmas socks, I had one sock finished and a quarter of one done and I realized I just wasn't loving knitting them. I debated slogging through it but my knitting time is special and not a job, so see ya later Christmas socks! I'll try again with that yarn later.

I did finish my Hermoine Socks on Christmas Eve though! And I'm wearing them today and I LOVE THEM!

Yarn: Candy Skein Savory Fingering in Candy Apple!

Needles: Hiya Sharps in 1.5

Pattern: I did Hermoine's Everyday Socks toe up with a Fish Lips Kiss Heel

I am such a fan of these socks, I love how the heels came out and I love how the yarn works with the patterns texture. I want to knit another pair of these and more textured socks in 2014. I realized this winter any socks that have lace or open work have been completely neglected and hidden to the back of the drawer, I just don't like wearing them I guess!

I made a list of my 2014 goals on Sunday, it feels nice to take an afternoon to sit and reflect. I liked thinking about 2013, what was awesome & what was terrible, what to change & what to stay the same. I'll share my list in a few days. It involves some knitting (naturally more socks-I know, you are shocked!), it involves some sewing and a lot of stitching.

I'll be back tomorrow with photos of my Sock book! :):):)