I Love Comic Book Art

How's your Thursday going?! Good? Cold? Covered in snow?

Let's talk about one of my most favorite things ever- comic books!

I've started keeping my little collection with my hipster magazines and card decks in this antique cranberry bog rake that used to belong to my grandparents. I like having them out in our living room so if people come over, they can check them out! I'm not sure how many people will actually come over and would want to check out my comics, but it's an option! ;) Lately I've gotten obsessed with the idea of framing some of my favorites and hanging them in my sewing room above my sewing machine. I'm on the hunt for display options. I saw this & this on pinterest and I *really* like both ideas. My local comic book shop sells boxes specifically for storage but I'd like to be able to look at the covers because some of them are pretty dang perfect.

My very. very. very. VERY. favorite series is Bee and Puppycat. Do you know about them?! Oh boy. I hope for your sake that you have about an hour to spend on the internet right now because I'm going to blow your mind with adorable. All I'm going to say is visit YouTube and watch the first five videos. If you are into snacks, temp jobs, kawaii and puppycats, you'll love it. It is so quirky and sweet and silly and PINK. I got this tshirt a few weeks ago and I've been wearing it nonstop because come on! Puppycat is so fierce! Also, Natasha Allegri is so crazy talented. I think what I love most about the comics I've been reading lately is how many are illustrated by women.

In my previous blog post I mentioned how much I loved Fangirl and Tammy commented that she liked the cover artist, Noelle Stevenson. HOW FUNNY BECAUSE I DO TOO! And Rainbow Rowell does too! I am totally inspired by her. She co-writes a comic series called Lumberjanes! I love it because it features fierce girl friendships and adventures. She has a great tumblr too!

I really love looking at all the different cover options available for each issue. I buy all my comics locally at Bat Comics in Chico and I'm often with Ashleigh. I have to ask her "WHICH COVER SHOULD I GET?!" It feels a bit like a treasure hunt, discovering new series, bugging the owner, picking out which cover is the best and waiting for the next in a series to be released!

Here are a few others in my collection I love!

Both Abigail & The Snowman and Capture Creatures are newer titles but Bravest Warriors isn't! Does Bravest Warriors look familiar?! It's a comic based on the cartoon by Pendleton Ward! He's behind Adventure Time! Mathmatical! I'm hoping to get a bunch more of this series soon. 

You can tell my comic collection is pretty cute and kawaii and I'm totally into that. It's visually most appealing to me. I've had this book on my amazon wishlist for ages, I sometimes daydream about starting a web comic or a little zine. It would probably be about walking to the library and post office, meeting the cats who live in my neighborhood and how Starbucks is equal parts great and awful. ;) 

I hope you have a good rest of your week! I am thisclose to having a table to put my sewing machine on, it has been ages since I've sewn and I can't wait! I have a huge pile of projects I'm dying to work on and then I got overly excited last night and bought a new quilt pattern! It looks challenging and exciting. Cross your fingers it stays warm so I can stain my table and get my machine set up!


(this post contains an affiliate link to amazon)