It's cozy time






Three things:

  • This weekend I hiked into a waterfall. It might sound like NBD, but I'm terrified of moving water. Not only did I sit right next to the falls, but I knit while sitting there! It was equal parts awesome and omgamIgoingtodie.
  • Chop bought me a giant woven basket for all my knitting WIPs as an anniversary gift. I'm absurdly in love with it. I can't wait to have a cute little living room and keep it next to my couch. You can see, I have about a million projects going on. Isn't that pink folder adorable? I got it as Daiso with Pam & Frankie. I'm asking for another one for Christmas to hold all my cross stitch projects.
  • Yesterday I drove to Placerville. With Smash. Through Sacramento traffic. And it was a very awesome day! I absolutely hate driving, I hate city driving and I hate driving to places I'm not familiar with. But it was totally fine! And now I wish Placerville was only 20 minutes away instead of two hours.

Ok, so why isn't it cold out yet? It's been in the 80s all dang October. Monday it was overcast and chilly but that was it. This weekend in the area that we hiked, it was 24 degrees in the morning. 24!!!! Then we got home and it was 82!!! Totally a shock. But I got to wear my fingerless gloves, a shawl and a hat during our hike, knit goods galore. It was such a nice way to spend time with Chop.

Our cross stitching class was *amazing* but some idiot (me) left their camera home and I only took TWO cell phone photos. I get an F in blogging. The shop we went to is called Kelsey's Needle Krafts! We stitched with Karryn and wowza, she's been stitching over 30 years. Her work is absolutely perfect. Truly. I learned a lot of neat tricks, my main goal was to get NEATER. Somehow the more I stitch, the worse I get. Well! It turns out I'm stitching WAY too loose! As a result over time my stitches get squashed so now I'm stitching tighter and it's much nicer. It's going to take getting used too!

Something about sitting at a table surrounded by needlework, listening to passionate ladies talk about cross stitch really got under our skin. We both talked the entire drive home about how excited we were to get home and stitch, what kind of designs we want to do in 2014, how we want to grow and change things. It was a really inspiring trip to say the least. If you are in Placerville, CA, definitely swing by their shop. If not, check to see if you have a local needlework shop. As fun as it is opening packages of cross stitch supplies, it's a different experience to go and check out things in real life! I'm obsessed with notions, that's my favorite thing to look at. I got these neat Christmas themed pins to use for marking, Ashleigh also got a set but her's are pinks/aquas. So cute. Also it's really neat to see fabric in real life too. We bought a pretty piece of white sparkle linen too!

I'm starting to get REALLY antsy about our new Christmas patterns, I work on 12 Days of Christmas everyday and it's taking all my will power not to share photos 24/7 on here. Truly. Ashleigh & I sent each other a million photos a day, she's working on Gingerbread Lane. One of the colors she's cross stitching with, bubblegum, o m g. I've never seen a prettier floss color. Except I reallllllly love the color Cayenne that I've used for the numbers and red accents. It goes from a dark red to a bright red and it's pretty perfect. Basically: we love Weeks Dye Works. Ha!

Ok, back to work! I hope you have a Happy Halloween! :):):)