February is always short.

I always forget that February is a short month, it's here one second and then gone the next.

I'm enjoying a bit of sunshine and binding today. I'm a real sucker for a quiet afternoon. Especially when there is sunshine involved.


PS: 1. I can't stop making quilts, I learned you can fit 15 quilts in two jumbo space bags. 2. I can't stop reading books. Thank you for your suggestions! 3. I'm obsessed with a new pattern we are working on called Springtime Sampler. 4. I'm also learning garment sewing and I sewed sleeves. For real. I'm not quite sure where all this new found sewing confidence is coming from but I'm rolling with it. 5. If I wasn't taking a knitting break, I'd cast on for this right away. I still might, even if it takes me a million years to make it. Size 6 needles are giant compared to 0's & 1's right?!  6. If you are a small business, I can't stress enough how amazing it is to sit down with a small business counselor. Ashleigh & I did and it was eye opening. Check your area. We went here. 7.  I have enough here for like, a million blog posts. Maybe since March is long I'll talk about all this stuff. ;)